KRA Korean Bureau of Shipping certified ship plates, KA ship plate specifications, PCA steel plates

Product   /   KRA
KRA 2024-03-25

KRA Korean Bureau of Shipping certified ship plates, KA ship plate specifications, PCA steel plates

KR/A is a Korean Bureau of Shipping certified shipboard, KA is a ClassNK certified Japan Bureau of Shipping certified ship, and PC/A is a Russian Bureau of Shipping certified ship.

The general strength of the hull structure steel is divided into A, B, D, E4 grades, the yield strength (not less than 235N/mm^2) and tensile strength (400~52ON/mm^2) of these 4 grades of steel are the same, but the impact energy at different temperatures is different;

KRA ship plate specifications, KA ship plate fixed rolling:

"Structural Steel for Ships and Offshore Engineering" standards include:

A, B, D, E, AH32. DH32,EH32. FH32AH36,DH36,EH36,FH36AH40,DH40,EH40,FH40

AH420,DH420,EH420,FH420AH460,DH460,EH46O,FH460AH500,DH500,EH500, FH500AH550,DH550,EH550,FH550AH620,DH620,EH620,FH620AH690,DH690,EH690 FH690AH790,DH790 EH790,FH790,AH890, DH890,EH890,AH960 ,DH960,EH960.

KR/A Marine Steel Plate Classification Hull structural steel can be divided into general ships and special ships according to the use, general ships mainly use general strength and high strength steel, special ships such as liquefied gas ships use low-temperature toughness steel, bulk chemical tankers use austenitic stainless steel, duplex stainless steel and composite steel. The structural steel used for the hull is divided into strength levels according to its small yield point: general strength structural steel and high-strength structural steel. The structural steel for the hull is divided into two kinds of general strength and high-strength steel, and the general strength steel is divided into four grades of A, B, C, D according to the quality, and the high-strength steel is divided into two strength grades (32, 36) and three quality grades (A, D, E), and the main specifications are AH32, DH32, EH32, AH36, DH36, EH36.

The main business of KR/A classification society is to conduct technical surveys of newly built ships, and those who pass the test will be given various safety facilities and corresponding certificates, formulate corresponding technical specifications and standards according to the needs of the survey business, and participate in maritime activities on behalf of the governments of their own or other countries.

PC/A has some classification societies that also accept the inspection service of onshore engineering facilities.

In a legal sense, it is an organization that surveys and classifies ships according to their condition for insurance or other purposes.

Its main role is to organize the periodic inspection of ships at the time of construction and after construction, with the aim of setting and maintaining standards for the construction and maintenance of ships and their social times.

PC/A Each classification society has a set of rules that set out the survey requirements that must be followed by a ship in order to maintain its class.

In most countries, shipowners are not obliged to classify their vessels, but this is usually a condition of ship insurance and a requirement of most charterers and consignors, so there are considerable difficulties in trade if the ships are not classified.

Classification societies also supervise and approve the construction of containers. This organization exists in most of the major maritime countries.

RS -

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, founded in 1913 and authorized by 69 flag governments, is associated with icebreakers and deals with icebreaker and resistance technologies in the maritime sector. It has been an active member of the International Association of Classification Societies since 1969.

Headquartered in St. Petersburg, Russia, it has about 1,500 officers in more than 100 branches around the world, providing classified services to its clients. The association outlines its goals for ensuring the best standards of safety and operations at sea and sets rules for reducing marine pollution. More than 6000 vessels from 40 different flag states are certified by the association.