CCSEH500 marine engineering steel, NVE500 Det Norske Veritas certification, AB/EQ51 offshore steel f

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CCSEH500 2024-05-31

CCSEH500 marine engineering steel, NVE500 Det Norske Veritas certification, AB/EQ51 offshore steel f

CCSEH500 domestic certification of offshore engineering steel plate, NVE500 Det Norske Veritas certification offshore engineering steel plate, AB/EQ51 country certification.

AB/EQ51 Offshore Steel Fixed Rolling: Wugang Xiangyang

American Standard No. ASTM A131/A131M, commonly used grade B, CS, etc. corresponds to the national standard 712.

The American standard number is ASTM A537/A537M, commonly used grades 1, 2, 3. and other

American standard No. ASTM A36/A36M, commonly used grade A36 and other corresponding national standard T700.

American standard number: ASTM A572/A572M, commonly used grades: A572Gr42, A572Gr50/60, etc., corresponding to the national standard T1591.

ABS classification society certified series of steel grades: AQ56, AQ63, AQ70, DQ56, DQ63, DQ70

A grade: AQ56, AQ63, AQ70

D grade: DQ56, DQ63, DQ70

Class E: E36-Z35, E40 (≤ 100mm), EQ56, EQ63, EQ70
F: F40 (≤50mm)

E500 mechanical test

501 round specimens should be prepared in accordance with recognized international standards.

502 If a fracture occurs in the weld or heat-affected zone, the test is considered unsuccessful and further testing is required.

The average of the minimum area shrinkage of at least three specimens is listed in Table E2. Only one specimen area shrinkage value is allowed to be less than the minimum average, but not less than the smallest single value of the corresponding steel grade shown.

When the area shrinkage value is less than the smallest single value, it should be rejected