14MnNbq bridge plate chemical composition and mechanical properties profile

Product   /   14MnNbq
cxysteel@126.com 2024-01-22

14MnNbq bridge plate chemical composition and mechanical properties profile

14MnNbq is a low-alloy high-strength steel plate for bridges, especially pipe piles for sea-crossing bridges, as well as road bridges and railway bridges (including sea-crossing bridges) for riveted and bolt-welded structures. The thickness of the bridge slab is generally in the range of 6~60mm.

Chemical composition
Tabulation: Depu Steel Date: 2024-01-22
trademark C Si Mn P S Ni Cr
14MnNbq 0.11-0.17 0.2-0.6 1.2-1.6 0.02 0.01 0.3 0.3

(1): In order to improve the properties of steel, other trace alloying elements other than the above table can be added, and the data comes from the network and is for reference only.
(2): The allowable deviation of the chemical composition of the finished steel plate shall comply with the provisions
of GB/T222 14MnNbq mechanical properties of the bridge plate: Material: 14MnNbq
Delivery Status: Normalized
Yield Strength: 390 Tensile Strength: 530-685
Impact Energy:

14MnNbq bridge plate implementation standard:
The comprehensive performance of 14MnNbq is greatly improved compared with open-hearth steel. The steel grade has been successfully applied to Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge, Nanjing Yangtze River Second Bridge and other major domestic bridge projects, and has achieved good economic and social benefits. Before being used in actual engineering, we selected samples with different plate thicknesses and different process states to carry out a large number of metallographic square tests. It is of great significance to systematically study the effects of the controlled rolling mechanism and heat treatment process on the microstructure, physical properties, welding properties and mechanical properties of the steel. Moreover, it provides a certain guiding basis for further improving the production process and improving the physical performance of the steel plate.